Project was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency

Project ID: APVV 19-0340

Publications (CC, Scopus, WoS)

Selection of most important publications of project:


MINĎAŠ, Jozef - HANZELOVÁ, Miriam - ŠKVARENINOVÁ, Jana - ŠKVARENINA, Jaroslav - ĎURSKÝ, Ján -TÓTHOVÁ, Slávka. Long-Term Temporal Changes of Precipitation Quality in Slovak Mountain Forests. Water, 2020, 12.10: 2920. V databáze: CCSCOPUS

VIDO, Jaroslav - NALEVANKOVÁ, Paulína. Drought in the Upper Hron Region (Slovakia) between the Years 1984-2014. Water, 2020, 12.10: 2887. V databáze: CCSCOPUS

DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela - FÖLDES, Gabriel - LABAT, Marija Mihaela - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. Estimating the effect of deforestation on runoff in small mountainous basins in Slovakia. In Water [elektronický zdroj]. Vol. 12, iss. 11 (2020), online, [25] s., art. no. 3113. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85095977991 ; CC: 000594706700001 ; DOI: 10.3390/w12113113.

BRZIAK, Adam - KUBÁŇ, Martin - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - SZOLGAY, Ján. Comparison of the variances of a lumped and semi-distributed model parameters. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca. Roč. 21, č. 2 (2020), s. 172-177. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS

KOPÁČIKOVÁ, Eva - HLAVÁČIKOVÁ, Hana - LEŠKOVÁ, Danica. Climate change impact study on 100-year floods of selected Slovak catchments. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca 21(2), 2020, 160-171. V databáze: SCOPUS


MAČEJNÁ, Ľudmila - ZACHAROVÁ, Andrea - OLLEROVÁ, Hana - ŠKVARENINOVÁ, Jana - ŠKVARENINA, Jaroslav. Hydrobiochemical balance of total mercury in a forest catchment area at former cinnabar mining locality. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2021, 69(2), 209-219. (2020: 2.512 - IF, 0.784 - SJR, Q1). V databáze: CC; SCOPUS.

JANČO, Martin - MEZEI, Pavel - KVAS, Andrej - DANKO, Michal - SLEZIAK, Patrik - MINĎÁŠ, Jozef - ŠKVARENINA, Jaroslav. Effect of mature spruce forest on canopy interception in subalpine conditions during three growing seasons. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2021, 69(4), 436-446. (2020: 2.512 - IF, 0.784 - SJR, Q1). V databáze: CC; SCOPUS.

BRZIAK, Adam - KUBÁŇ, Martin - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - SZOLGAY, Ján. Comparison of the variability of snow cover parameters of the HBV model using lumped and distributed precipitation inputs and multi-basin calibration. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 22, č. 1 (2021), online, s. 40-49. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85111242317 ; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2021-0022.01.0005.

KANDERA, Miroslav - VÝLETA, Roman - LIOVÁ, Anna - DANÁČOVÁ, Zuzana - LOVASOVÁ, Ľubica. Testing of water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model for water resources management in the Hron river basin. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 22, č. 1 (2021), online, s. 30-39. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85111306821 ; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2021-0022.01.0004.

TOMAŠČÍK, Matúš - NÉMETOVÁ, Zuzana - DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela. Analysis of factors influencing the intensity of soil water erosion. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 22, č. 1 (2021), online, s. 70-77. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85111281091 ; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2021-0022.01.0008.

NÉMETOVÁ, Zuzana - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia. Mathematical modeling of soil erosion processes using a physically-based and empirical models: case study of Slovakia and Central Poland. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 22, č. 1 (2021), online, s. 147-155. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85111266186 ; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2021-0022.01.0018.

SABOVÁ, Zuzana - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. Analysis of changes in monthly and m-daily maximum discharges using the MPI and KNMI climate scenarios in the Myjava and Hron river basins in Slovakia. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 22, č. 2 (2021), online, s. 167-176. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS ; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2021-0022.02.0020.

MARKOVIČ, Ladislav - FAŠKO, Pavel - PECHO, Jozef. Climatology of the extreme heavy precipitation events in Slovakia in the 1951-2020 period, In Acta hydrologica Slovaca [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 22, č. 2 (2021), online, s. 294-303. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS ; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2021-0022.02.0033

KUBÁŇ, Martin - PARAJKA, Juraj - TONG, Rui - PFEIL, Isabella - VREUGDENHILL, Mariette - SLEZIAK, Patrik - BRZIAK, Adam - SZOLGAY, Ján - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. Incorporating advanced scatterometer surface and root zone soil moisture products into the calibration of the conceptual semi-distributed hydrological model. In Water [elektronický zdroj]. Vol. 13, iss. 23 (2021), online, [19] s., art. no. 3366. ISSN 2073-4441 (2020: 3.103 - IF, Q2 - JCR Best Q, 0.718 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: CC: 000735114200001 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85120155209 ; DOI: 10.3390/w13233366.

SLEZIAK, Patrik - VÝLETA, Roman - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila - DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela - ALEKSIĆ, Milica - SZOLGAY, Ján - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia. A Hydrological Modeling Approach for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Runoff Regimes in Slovakia. In Water [elektronický zdroj]. Vol. 13, iss. 23 (2021), online, [21] s., art. no. 3358. ISSN 2073-4441 (2020: 3.103 - IF, Q2 - JCR Best Q, 0.718 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q). V databáze:CC, SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85120177116; DOI: 10.3390/w13233358.

HOLKO, Ladislav - DANKO, Michal - SLEZIAK, Patrik. Snowmelt characteristics in a pristine mountain catchment of the Jalovecky Creek, Slovakia, over the last three decades. In Hydrological Processes, 2021, vol. 35, iss. 4, art. no. e14128. (2020: 3.565 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 1.222 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CC). (2021 - Current Contents). ISSN 0885-6087. Dostupné na:

ALEKSIĆ, Milica - SLEZIAK, Patrik - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. Parametrization of the rainfall-runoff model in changing climate. In Pollack Periodica, Volume 16, Issue 3. Dostupné na internete: (2020: 0.262 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: SCOPUS. DOI:


KUBÁŇ, Martin - PARAJKA, Juraj - TONG, Rui - GREIMEISTER-PFEIL, Isabella - VREUGDENHILL, Mariette - SZOLGAY, Ján - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila - SLEZIAK, Patrik - BRZIAK, Adam. The effects of satellite soil moisture data on the parametrization of topsoil and root zone soil moisture in a conceptual hydrological model. In Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics = Vodohospodársky časopis. Vol. 70, no. 3 (2022), s. 295-307. ISSN 0042-790X (2021: 2.329 - IF, Q3 - JCR Best Q, 0.776 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.2478/johh-2022-0021 ; CC: 000844216000004 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0- 85138772679.

SLEZIAK, Patrik - JANČO, Martin - DANKO, Michal - MÉRI, Ladislav - HOLKO, Ladislav. Accuracy of radar-estimated precipitation in a mountain catchment in Slovakia. J. Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 71, No. 1, 2023, p. 1 - 12, In print. V databáze: CCSCOPUS

KESZELIOVÁ, Anita - VÝLETA, Roman - DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela   - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila - SLEZIAK, Patrik - GRIBOVSZKI, Zoltán - SZOLGAY, Ján. Detection of changes in evapotranspiration on a catchment scale under changing climate conditions in selected river basins of Slovakia. In Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2022), online, s. 55- 63. ISSN 1338-3973 (2022). V databáze: WOS; DOI: 10.2478/sjce-2022-0029.

LIOVÁ, Anna - VALENT, Peter - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - BACIGÁL, Tomáš - SZOLGAY, Ján. A methodology for the estimation of control flood wave hydrographs for the Horné Orešany reservoir. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca. Roč. 23, č. 1 (2022), s. 52-61. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85133183007; DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2022- 0023.01.0006.

FÖLDES, Gabriel - LABAT, Marija Mihaela - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. Impact of changes in short-term rainfall on design floods: Case study of the Hnilec river basin, Slovakia. In Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2022), online, s. 68-74. ISSN 1338-3973 (2021). V databáze: WOS: 000782174300008 ; DOI: 10.2478/sjce-2022-0008.

DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela - DANKO, Michal - VÝLETA, Roman - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. The generation of surface runoff in laboratory conditions using two portable rainfall simulators - an experimental study. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca. Roč. 23, č. 2 (2022), s. 249-256. ISSN 2644-4690.    V    databáze:    DOI:    10.31577/ahs-2022-0023.02.0028;    SCOPUS:    2-s2.0- 85143517197.

KUBÁŇ,  Martin  -  PARAJKA,  Juraj  -  SZOLGAY,  Ján    -  KOHNOVÁ,  Silvia    - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila - SLEZIAK, Patrik - BRZIAK, Adam. Improvement of runoff simulation efficiency using satellite soil moisture data for typical monthly runoff regimes in Austria. In Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Roč. 23, č. 2 (2022), s. 257 - 266, ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2022-0023.02.0029 ; SCOPUS

HOLKO, Ladislav - JANČO, Martin - DANKO, Michal - SLEZIAK, Patrik. Influence of forest dieback on the overland flow and isotopic composition of precipitation. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, vol. 23, no. 1, 2022, 82-88. V databáze: SCOPUS

HOLKO, Ladislav - JANČO, Martin - DANKO, Michal - SLEZIAK, Patrik. Empirical models to calculate the snow water equivalent in the high mountain catchments of the Western Carpathians. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, vol. 23, no. 2, 2022, 157-167. V databáze: SCOPUS


PEKÁROVÁ,  Pavla  -  HALMOVÁ,  Dana  -  SABOVÁ,  Zuzana  -  PEKÁR,  Ján  - MIKLÁNEK, Pavol - BAČOVÁ-MITKOVÁ, Veronika - PROHASKA, Stevan - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - GARAJ, Marcel. Sensitivity of runoff due to changes in the characteristics of the water balance in the Danube River region. In Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics = Vodohospodársky časopis. Vol. 71, no. 4 (2023), s. 399-412. ISSN 0042-790X. V databáze: CCSCOPUS, DOI: 10.2478/johh-2023-0033

RONČÁK, Peter - NÉMETOVÁ, Zuzana - VITKOVÁ, Justína - DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela - TOKOVÁ, Lucia - AYDIN, Elena - VALENT, Peter - HONEK, David - IGAZ, Dušan. Effects of the application of biochar on the soil erosion of plots of sloping agricultural and with silt loam soil. In Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics = Vodohospodársky časopis. Vol. 71, no. 4 (2023), s. 356-368. ISSN 0042-790X. V databáze: CCSCOPUS, DOI: 10.2478/johh-2023- 0026

SLEZIAK, Patrik - JANČO, Martin - DANKO, Michal - MÉRI, Ladislav - HOLKO, Ladislav. Accuracy of radar-estimated precipitation in a mountain catchment in Slovakia. In Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics = Vodohospodársky časopis. Vol. 71, No. 1, 2023, p. 111 - 122. ISSN 0042-790X. V databáze: CCSCOPUS, DOI: 10.2478/johh-2022-0037

SLEZIAK, Patrik - DANKO, Michal - JANČO, Martin - PARAJKA, Juraj - HOLKO, Ladislav. Spatial and temporal variability of saturated areas during rainfall-runoff events. In Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics = Vodohospodársky časopis. Vol. 71, no. 4 (2023), s. 439-448. ISSN 0042-790X. V databáze: CCSCOPUS, DOI: 10.2478/johh-2023-0025

VÝLETA, Roman - RONČÁK, Peter - LIOVÁ, Anna - VALENT, Peter - BACIGÁL, Tomáš - GRIBOVSZKI, Zoltán - DANÁČOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠURDA, Peter - VITKOVÁ, Justína - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. The testing of a multivariate probabilistic framework for reservoir safety evaluation and flood risks assessment in Slovakia: A study on the Parná and Belá Rivers. In Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics = Vodohospodársky časopis. Vol. 71, no. 4 (2023), online, s. 449-463. ISSN 0042-790X. V databáze: CCSCOPUS, DOI: 10.2478/johh-2023- 0027

LEŠTIANSKA,  Adriana  -  FLEISCHER,  Peter  Jr.  -  MERGANIČOVÁ,  Katarína  - FLEISCHER, Peter Sr. - STŘELCOVÁ, Katarína. Intra-annual dynamics of stem circumference variation and water status of four coniferous tree species (Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Larix decidua and Abies alba) under warmer and water-limited conditions. In. Biologia. In print. V databáze: CCWOSSCOPUS

HRUŠKOVÁ, Kateřina - HLAVÁČIKOVÁ, Hana. Case study: Assessment of radar- based and ground precipitation data during the flood situation in May 2021 in the Upper Hron River basin in Slovakia. In. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Roč. 24, č. 2 (2023), online, s. 242 - 253. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS, DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2023-0024.02.0027

KANDERA, Miroslav - VÝLETA, Roman. Development and validation of an Approximate Redistributive Balance model to estimate the distribution of water resources using the WEAP: The lower Hron river basin, Slovakia. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca. Roč. 24, č. 1 (2023), online, s. 122-133. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS, DOI: 10.31577/ahs- 2023-0024.01.0014.

KANDERA, Miroslav - VÝLETA, Roman. Development of a conceptual snow sub- model: application in meteorological stations, Slovakia. In Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 31, no. 3 (2023), online, s. 1-11. V databáze: WOS, DOI: 10.2478/sjce-2023-0015

KOHUTOVÁ, Tatiana - TOMAŠČÍK, Matúš - DANÁČOVÁ, Michaela - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila. Assessment of the impact of the accuracy of the DMR on the calculation of soil erosion using the USLE and USLE-2D models. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca. Roč. 24, č. 2 (2023), online, s. 266-274. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS, DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2023- 0024.02.0029

SABOVÁ, Zuzana - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia. On future changes in the long-term seasonal discharges in selected basins of Slovakia. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca. Roč. 24, č. 1 (2023), online, s. 73-81. ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85162793960, DOI: 10.31577/ahs-2023-0024.01.0009

TANHAPOUR, Mitra - LIOVÁ, Anna - HLAVČOVÁ, Kamila - KOHNOVÁ, Silvia - SOLTANI, Jaber - MALEKMOHAMMADI, Bahram - SHAKIBIAN, Hadi. A comparative analysis of continuous and event-based hydrological modeling for streamflow hydrograph prediction. In Acta hydrologica Slovaca.  Roč.  24,  č.  2 (2023), online,  s.  187-196.  ISSN 2644-4690. V databáze: SCOPUS, DOI:10.31577/ahs-2023-0024.02.0021.


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